Biggins, Killimster, Wick KW1 4RX
Tel/Fax: 01955 608865 • Mobile: 07468 415953



There are three methods available to create Work Schedules.

1. Work Schedule Book
Complete a Schedule from the book. Send the White Copy
to the Ring Office, the Blue Copy is Retained by Demander, and the Pink Copy Retained by Supplier.

2. Online Form

Complete & Send the Work Schedule form below. A copy will be e-mailed to the Ring Office who will send confirmation of receipt by e-mail if you choose to enter your e-mail address in the relevant box. The final column (£ Cost) & Total values can be completed by clicking the Calculate button at the bottom of the form.

3. Excel Spreadsheet
If you wish to continue using the established Excel spreadsheet option you can download the latest copy here. You should save this file on your computer, open & complete the form, then re-save the file. You can then either e-mail the file as an attachment to the Ring using the mail address / link shown in the header at the top of this page or print off the completed form and post/fax it to the Ring Office.

Supplier: Farm:
Demander: Farm:

Service or
Commodity Supplied
No. of
£ Per Unit
£ Cost
(Ex. Vat)

E-Mail Address of Person Completing (if cofirmation required)

Click to automatically fill the sub-totals & total boxes

This form collects the data you enter into it. By checking the I AGREE box below you consent to us collecting and storing your data,
as well as contacting you. For more info on how we manage your data please click here for a copy of our Privacy Policy.